I grew up on a farm in west central Indiana called Larkfield Farms. It was an appropriate name as the Meadowlark is common in that area and we would often hear the call of the Meadowlark in the fields each morning and evening. On Larkfield Farms we grew corn, soybeans, and wheat, but we were known throughout the state as breeders and producers of registered pure-bred Angus. Larkfield Farms established a reputation for raising high quality, outstanding Angus that produced exceptional beef. Although I no longer have the opportunity to live or work directly on the Farm, it is my hope and intent to transfer some of the excellence in production and craftsmanship to my photography and woodworking.
I truly enjoy all aspects of both photography and woodworking. I hope to increase my skills and contribute to the growth, popularity, and techniques of these artistic crafts. Please enjoy anything you find at this site and I welcome your comments.
Larkfield Farms was started by my Grandfather, Fred Spencer. A quiet man with a sly, wry sense of humor; a fascination and love of life, nature, and the world; and a dedication to his family and his work. My Father, Kenneth Coleman, moved to the Farm with my Mother, Judy, Fred’s daughter. They continued and expanded the Farm tradition and instilled in my two sisters and me the good country farm values of love of family, faith in God and the saving grace of Jesus, and the drive for excellence and quality in work and life’s activities.

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Thank you!